Shayla Wiggins, a 19-year-old resident of Wyoming, United States, and a fan of the newly released smartphone game Pokémon Go, gallivanted around her neighborhood to catch a water pokémon. However, what she she found was a cold corpse sprawled in front of her.

Reports from news sites Kotaku and County 10 said Wiggins woke up and began playing the game on Friday. While she was walking on the Big Wind River under the Wyoming Highway 789 Bridge, she noticed an “average-size male body” lifelessly floating on the river.

“I was walking towards the bridge along the shore when I saw something in the water,” Shayla told County 10. “I had to take a second look and I realized it was a body.” She then halted her mission to catch a pokémon that day and refrained from playing the game after, Kotaku reported.

Horrified with what she saw, Wiggins called up 911 and asked detectives to retrieve the soaked dead body. She described the incident as “pretty shocking” and even “cried for a while.”

In a statement, Fremont County Sheriff’s Office said, “The death appears to be accidental in nature and possibly that of a drowning.”

Pokémon Go was released last week on both iOS and Android in selected countries. Injuries as a result of players’ determination to “catch ’em all” have been reported in Australia and the US.



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