Money is man-made and not something we can bring into the afterlife. This is what this unnamed billionaire from Myanmar believed, and decided to do something worthy of praise

Money is man-made and not something we can bring into the afterlife. This is what this unnamed billionaire from Myanmar believed, and decided to do something worthy of praise.

A video circulating on the internet has caught the attention of many. A selfless man was giving away wads of cash to his poor fellow countrymen who stood in line while his people handed over the money. According to a post by Danified on Facebook, the man was visibly ill and was already dying. Knowing that he cannot bring his riches to the afterlife anyway, he decided to give his riches to the poor instead—a truly selfless gesture!

As soon as the people receive the cash given out to them, they proceed to bow before the old man as a sign of respect and giving thanks. Many netizens were amazed by what he did, especially in a society wherein people fight and kill each other over money.


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