Imagine you being the intruder country, what would be your best plan to invade your target without them noticing or detecting you?
This is the photo, of Tunnel De Base Du Saint-Gothard which is edited and captioned, which alarmed the netizens.
You may be visible in any way possible, in land, in sea, or even in air. But how about building underground tunnel which would exit in your target's most populated area?
That would sound fine knowing your only enemy is the seismograph of that country which could be over-ridden with today's tech-wizards and masters.
This myth is what people think of China did to us long time ago, may be done by this time or still in process. Well, this is possible with regards to China's capabilities in man-power, technology, military, and world power compared to us, Philippines, which is way far from them.
To those who thinks this is happening, the truth is that this is just a mere talk or, let's say, fiction-based story.
This thought began when people knew that China is getting soil to be dumped in Scarborough Shoal in their constracting military base on that area.
To be honest, this is not impossible, but the reality is that this is not happening or going to happen. This plan would cost billions and billions of assets and that is too ridiculous knowing that we could be fall easily to them.
Many believes that this is really happening without digging deeper for evidences and proofs.
There are alot of stories, allegations, and issues circulating the country today, but not all of them are facts, some are created just to have some intriguing but non-sense topics.
We always should be aware of mob mentality. Some of the news which we acquired in social media are false or created by the writer's creative imagination only. Always evaluate the topic.
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